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Lost of Identity

In 1920 removal of the each stone from the arches simultaneously removed pixels from the iconic structure of the High Bridge in the minds. Adding ordinary steel arch without considering High Bridges formal characteristics was the final blurring move to the identity of the bridge. In addition to all of these Bridge was isolated from the city for a long time and is left to the erosion of the time.

Quest for Identity

The first intervention of this proposal is to remove the steel prosthesis from the bridge. Instead of this over heavy prosthesis we are offering humane solution, light technological structure, thinner enough to stay in the backward of everything and create an blank space ready to be loaded. Socializing people will re-load and re-form the bridge every day every night 24 hours a day. As a result, in the foreground of everything new iconic embodiment of the bridge will consist of socializing peoples images.

Arches made of mesh of light

This new embodiment made of images of socializing people should be completed. Otherwise her historical solid image will still remain missing. We believe the competent designers move should be holding back his/her egos and stay away from personal choices. Instead designers should concentrate to find the soul of the problem. We are choosing to complete the embodiment of the Bridge with her original arches... But this time these arches will be made of mesh of light. The historical image of the Bridge will reveal every night again and again.


Programmatic Components and the embodiment of the Urban Terrace and Urban Deck

Another problem need to be solved is the way to connect the High Bridge with Manhattan. We have the following facts in our hands related with this problem. The precious vista of the High Bridge is from her both sides not from her axis. High Bridge Play Center should be preserved. There is strong elevation distance between the High Bridge and Amsterdam Av. We are offering the perfect match for all these facts. Crossing ramps from both sides of the Play Center to the High Bridge. And all the programmatic components will take place below these ramps and between these ramps and Play Center. As a result all these ramps and programmatic components will be embodied as an Urban Deck and Urban Terrace. While all these urban elements (Urban Deck, Urban Terrace and Ramps) will provide the space for arts and cultural activities they will also provide perfect vistas of the High Bridge.

Closer and distant environment

We are offering to combine the Harlem River Dr. (that is passing trough the river shore) via Edgecomb Ave. to the Amsterdam Ave. Moreover in the continuation we combined to the 10th and Dycmen St. These connections are %8 slope ramps. As a result we gained all the Harlem river shore for the pedestrians. By these interventions the closer surrounding of the High Bridge is now ready to be a part of the city. We are offering to the both sides of the Harlem River 20ft wide and 7000ft long decks. These decks will provide space for almost every cultural activity.

Another intervention offered in this proposal is to preserve and develop the Green Corridor between the Central Park and High Bridge Park. This Green Corridor completes the Green Network that starts from the Central Park connects to the High Bridge Park and then reaches to the Hudson River upper parks.


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